First day of class

September 10 2004

After the first day of the 2004/05 Academy year we had a day off. I used this day to pick up my new OV Student Card, and to do what I always do; which is to play a lot of (street) basketball.

At night, I couldn't sleep (again), which sucked since I had set the alarm clock to 8:30. When I woke up around 8:45 (after less than an hour sleep), I realized I messed up that part though. Luckaly I woke up by myself … somehow.

I did arrive a it late at my first letter design class of this year, but something appeared to be wrong with the beamer that was going to be used for the presentation of the teacher, so I didn't really miss anything. The beamer was replaced, and the presentation was quite nice, but didn't take nearly as long as the time that was planned on the roster. This wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't the case that there were already three free hours planned in on the roster.

Roos, Dan-Vi, Jurriaan, and I actively wasted time acting like high school kids; hanging around, going out for fries, and ridiculing everything we could think about. I haven't laughed this much for quite some time.

At 14:30 we finally had another lesson to attend: computer class. The teacher started off by admitting he got the roster last-minute, and had no clue as of what to do. He decided to start with Dreamweavershrug. The hurting didn't stop there: he lead us through the program step by step, making a basic website using tables (in the layout hack sense), frames, and font tags (or so I found out when I viewed the source), while making all kinds of false assumptions and providing outdated—or plain wrong—information. I don't know how many times I cringed during that class, but I decided to not say anything; sit through it; and never attend this class again � ever.

After feeling like my brain was being eaten alive by retarded bacteria for several eternities, we had one more class to attend: Art History. I think this is actually a interesting class, but I can't help getting sleepy during it (especially with my attention disorder and stuff). This time, they made things worse: the class was being given from 16:20 to 6P.M., in a room with no windows! I was not looking forward to this one.

It didn't turn out half bad though: it was nice that the teacher seemed to be happy to see me back, and that she was willing to take some time apart with the few of us that were repeating the year. After a little talk I no longer have to follow the lessons during the first semester (because I did that last year), and I only have to write one essay for the year. Great—that's more sleeping at home, and less sleeping at school.

Us few (repeaters) didn't have to sit out this class either. Some headed home, but Roos, Dan-Vi, Jurriaan, and I (a unit of four that could use a name � we discussed this and came up with hassen (German for hating �; we were still in that high school mood of which I'm now wondering whether we will ever lose it)) headed into town. I didn't stick around too long myself—I was really tired (I've had, like, ten hours of sleep in total over the past four days). I headed home and dozed off a little in the living room.

Shortly after, my mom arrived and of course got me fully awake again. I had dinner and decided to play some 'ball (even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to really do much good). I was sort of lucky to find out everybody was fooling around like crazy when I arrived at the court; so my terrible game didn't actually draw any attention.

After chilling some a bit with a bunch of guys I know from various periods in my life (also very much like high school kids), I went home and that's where I am.

Tomorrow (or today, technically) I have design class at 8:50 (that's in less than 8 hours from now, actually). I'm going to double-check and check again this alarm clock of mine before I even bother try to sleep.



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