Today, I was let off from a very big project that I've been thinking about for the longest time, and actually already put quite some time and effort in the past few months. What makes it worse is the fact that I had been let off on this once before, and that I made it perfectly clear this should not happen again. The way it was presented to me wasn't too fashionable either, and that's a big understatement. It was a project that wouldn't directly make me any money, but it would be a great portfolio builder, and it was a fun project to be working on. Oh well. Dispite the fact that said event got me pretty pissed off, it won't spoil my day—I had a good one.
Like every Monday, I went to Centraal to play some basketball. There's always a lot of people there from around 7, and this day was no exception. Even though I keep coming back every week, I haven't always been enjoying myself there—I have played some lousy games, especially during the past month. On this front, today was an exception. I've been playing well the past week or so, and it appeared to wear on today. Sure, there was a perfect pass that slipped through my hands, and sure I missed one—what could be game-winning—shot, and lost the game; but we had been on a 5 game winning streak already then, during which I made some nice shots, steals, and assist. I just felt betterd, and it showed off. I even jumped higher.
I think the people around me had a lot to do with it (among other things): The people that have been playing there for these past few months weren't exactly my type of players (old, slow, in-door, oldschool), and I can't really play well with or against them. The people that were there today are much more fit to my likings; fast, fast, flashy, and fast… Oh, and good. Very good. Where one would expect I'd feel more intimidated by better players, and lose by greater margins, the opposite it true (but I already knew that). In fact, I have played some of my best games with and even against the best players I've met.
Events from two weeks ago are already forgotten. Good.