ACJ’s Colours

A lot of things I do involve colour to some extent. This page is only about projects, et al. that are specifically about one colour, or colours in general. For more work, see my portfolio.


The objective of this project is simple: To create images with one pixel for every 24-bit rgb-colour (there are 16,777,216 of them); not one colour missing, and not one colour twice.
The unconventional brand colour of my company, deIdee. The (greenish) colour is not defined by one specific colour code, but by a range of colours from which a code is chosen through various processes, like (pseudo)randomness.
A collection of brand colours in Sass variables. Global brand colours are included via BrandColors, and brand colours from personal projects and clients are added by hand.
Mimesia Blue
A project dedicated to the main brand colour of Mimesia.


Colour-themed (Internet) artworks. Also see my art.

An Internet/domain artwork from 2016 that displays 64 blocks that randomly fade to different colours. The title is a portmanteau of German words for randomness (Zufälligkeit) and colours (Farben). An homage to Gerhard Richter.
This Is Not Hope For Minimal Abstract Art Part 1
Both parts of the domain name ( represent the colour red. The title is an homage to the digital heptaptych by Miktor & Molf that is no longer online (see below).
ColouRandom (or Colour and Om)
An interactive Internet/domain artwork from 2014. Click or tap to start fading in (random) colours, while Buddhist monks chant (Auṃ). Sound sample by Still Frames.
An Internet/domain artwork from 2013 that consists of one colour, being #a00ade. This is the colour you get when Web browsers interpret my first name (Alexander) as an html colour. (Currently offline.)
Hope For Minimal Abstract Art Part 1 - 7
A digital heptaptych by former artist/designer duo Miktor & Molf for which I did the technical realization. Every website is represented by one of the seven main rainbow colours. (Currently offline.)
An Internet/domain artwork from 2013 that continuously changes colour. The exact colours and intervals are random. The title is a portmanteau of Dutch words for randomness (willekeur) and colour (kleur).



Messing about with colours on other websites.


Some hexadecimal colour codes show typographic similarities with words. Coincidentally, some of those words could be associated with the colour that is represented by the code. Here are some I like for said reasons:

d31d33Leetspeak for the name of my company, deIdee. Used for details that compliment the main colour scheme of the corporate identity.
f00Leetspeak for foo. Happens to be a colour useful for examples.
1c3Leetspeak for ice. Happens to be a cold colour.
a55Leetspeak for ass, and, well, yeah.

A whole different kind of colour hack, (ab)uses a parsing rule in visual Web browsers to interpret any text string as a colour code. This causes the string alexander to be converted to #a00ade. See #A00ADE to view its source.