Weblog entries posted on this day.
How do you score 86 points in a game of one-on-one [street basketball], and still loose? By playing a game to 100�straight�against one of the better players around. What do you need for that? A night off, and two people with a heavy case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (adhd).
Talking of adhd; today I�ll be in town to have dinner (and probably some drinks) with some of the people from the adhd group sessions I attended recently. (Two will be missing because we don�t have their respective addresses.) Before that, I will be discussing my toSwitch
project at the kabk, which is heavily inspired by � adhd.
It is this and other projects (both school as client) that is likely to be one of the couses I have�t been �blogging
much lately. I guess my drive to write has found another output. Some of this work is reflected on this site, but mainly on the non-weblog pages. (By the way, when is somebody gonna pass me that friggin� Music Batton
? I mean, I don�t have cat pictures either�how am I supposed to not feel like an utterly inapt �blogger?)
�oh, wait.
This day, elsewhere.