Last-minute submission

January 15 2005

Today was the deadline for making submissions to the Frans de Jongprijs 2005 (Schermen met letters). In order to participate, submissions had to be delivered at Museum Meermanno before 17:00.

I finished the little movie I made for this event (Schermen met woorden) months ago, but it would only run properly on Mac OS X with Quicktime Pro. Sufficient at the time, but as we were told (at the academy) we shouldn�t be expecting too much tech-savvyness from the museum people, I realized I needed a better solution.

As I got out of bed around noon, I had several hours left to come up with one [better solution], and deliver the goods.

The first thing I had to make sure of was that I had a version of the movie that would run smoothly on a Windows machine (pc with Microsoft os). I opened the original file in Flash, and looked at the various export methods. I figured avi would be my best bet, but I did�t dare using any codec compression (remembering the words of my teachers).

I knew the thing was going to be rather big, and probably wouldn�t fit an empty CD-ROM. (It would turn out to be a little over a giga byte.) That, and the fact that my CD-writer seems to be broken anyway, made me decide to head into town and pick up a DVD-writer. This might seem like a rather drastic move, but the price money is a thousand euros, and I could use a DVD-writer anyway.

I went to Media Markt, picked up a [LITE-ON] SOHW - 1653S and two stacks of empty DVDs, and headed back home.

I took the regular DVD-player out of my tower, jammed in the DVD-writer, and booted the system. XP did its Plug and Play dance, and�after installing the Nero software that came with it�I could start burning discs again.

First I made a real DVD that I could play in any good ol� DVD player, and then I made a disk with both the mov as the avi version. I tested the two discs and all three versions (both on pc as tv), filled in the submission form, and headed out.

On my way to the museum, I called Casper becauses I was wondering whether he already had submitted his project (which, I think, is very cool), plus, I had missed his call the night before. The first thing he said, was that I should remember to submit my project, which�I replied�was funny because I was calling for the same thing, and was on my way to just that myself.

It appeared I had called at the right time, because he was still at work, and wouldn�t be free untill 17:30 (which�of course�is half an hour later than the deadline.) Also, the place he works at (LJS), was practically on my way. He asked me whether I�d be able to pick up his project and deliver it at the museum. I told him I�d be right there.

After looking at some of the toys (PowerBook G4, 23? Cinema Display, etc.), (sorta) making plans to go out next week, and receiving an envelope with his project, I continued on my way.

Not for long though � after several meters, I ran into Sebastiaan, who I hadn�t seen for ages. We chit-chatted for a bit, but then we really had to continue our respective ways.

Approaching the museum, I saw one of my classmates. Obviously, he was just on his way back from delivering his project. (Friggin� slackers!) We greeted, but now didn�t seem like the right time for me to stop walking and talk about � well, anything.

I entered the museum, and guess what? Another classmate. (Okay, she�s from the parallel class, but still.) See, mom? I�m not the only one doing this last-minute!

Anyway. So that was it then. The wait is on.



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