Today's fortune

October 22 2004

A pleasant surprise is in store for you.

That's what orkut told me when I logged in just now.

Perhaps I should have logged into orkut earlier, because now the surprise has been spoiled as the event took place before I read my Today's fortune … or has it?

Let me explain.

As every other day, I went to Bakkersplein to shoot some casual hoops, and—as has been the case more than not lately—I got bored really quick, and ended up on the swing. Also not an anomality, some young kid was talking to my head.

I was only listening half, but I started to show a little more interest when he started talking about some girl that supposedly liked me. Now, this wasn't exactly a first either, but it usually involves some other kid (that I not care about, thank you), so I wasn't too enthousiastic about it at first. It was, however, reason for some qeuering from my side.

The more answers I got, the brighter the sun shone, and the prettier the birds sung. Twenty years of age? … Single?Big boobs?An Indian girl? Isn't that exactly what I've been wishing out loud the past … who knows how long? Yes, it is. The little kid is now my best friend.

It appears this girl, and the older sister of the kid that told me, go to the Paard van Troje on Friday nights often. Tomorrow is Friday night, I've got cash, nothing to do, and nothing to loose. Problem is, though, I don't have a name, nor a face.

Man, I really hope my Today's fortune is about my Friday, and not my Thursday. (Confusing, with the time zone parameters and all.)



2 comments so far.



Posted by: p on June 20, 2005, at 09:50



Posted by: ACJ on June 20, 2005, at 16:05


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