Weblog: October 4, 2004


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Thanks, Grandmamma!

October 4 2004

I went to school ridiculously early (in my perception) today. I had planned to work on the website project with my little project group (Roos, Dan-Vi, and Jurriaan). It turned out, though, I was the only one of my group that was present. This meant I couldn't work on the project, and had to sit through some very basic HTML and general webdesign theory. (Can you imagine?) It was not nearly as bad as the Dreamweaver class I ended up by semi-accident a while ago (shrug); at least this guy bothered to mention webstandards, and even the World Wide Web Consortium.

At one particular point he talked about how this certain subject matter requires some research. He turned his head to me, and said; unless you've done it 20 times before… I did some nonchalant higher gesture with my left hand. Ok, when…perhaps…you've done it 50 times before; he continued. I repeated the gesture without facial expression. He laughed out loud, and said; Ok, when you've done it a 150 times before, you really don't need to do this, but… I was thinking of doing the gesture again, but he looked the other way.

It's kind of funny, how people are now telling me how to use webstandards now. Come to think of it, it's not funny at all; it's highly frustrating.

The second class was a lot more fun: at least I had something to show there … albeit not as much as I'd liked. (I didn't do much on the weekend … school related, that is.) The teacher was fairly possitive on the (small) steps I had taken with my agenda design, and my André Hazes poster was perceived pretty well.

After a long day at the Academy, it was time for some relaxation. I didn't feel like waiting for a crowded, stinking, noisy tram, so I decided to walk home. I made a pit-stop at Bakkersplein because some kids that I know were playing basketball. Since I was in my basketball gear anyway, I hung around shooting some hoops. Suddenly, my mom and my 80 year old grandmother came by. They said they had something nice for me, and boy did they.

I Love This Jacket!

My mom reached in one of her bags, and pulled out what appeared to be multiple NBA jerseys. Then she pulled it up, and showed the thing in all its glory. That's right; one thing. It's a dark blue sweater/jacket with parts of jerseys of various NBA players sewn on it: Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Paul Pierce, Carmelo Anthony, and Tracy McGrady on the back. Best. Jacket. Ever. (It also goes insanely well with the best pants ever, that I already happen to own, and was in fact wearing.)

Mom said my grandmother had payed for it. I thanked the both of them, and got something for my grandmother in return: an A4 print of the Hazes poster I mentioned earlier. I already told my classmates at the Academy that my grandmother would love it, and I wanted to give her the actual A3 poster, but the teacher requested that our posters would stay on the wall at the Academy for the time being. She seemed happy with the A4; I'll get her an A3 version later.

I had planned to play some indoor basketball with a bunch of friends later today, but we had dinner very late because of which I wasn't able to make it on time anyway, so I spend the evening on (a rainy) Bakkersplein. When I arrived Enrique was there aswell as some guys I had never seen before. We played some two-on-two, had them looking for the ball a few times, and finished the game five to nothing within minutes. The new guys left, and we spend the rest of the time playing goal-to-goal (soccer) because the weather sucked too much to play remotely decent basketball.

Tomorrow we start even earlier in the morning, and haven't really even started working on it. (Sigh.)


This day, elsewhere.