First meeting with staff ST4R

September 29 2004

Today, I was going to meet up with the staff of ST4R (Streetball Teams For Real) to have a first brainstorm session concerning their website (I'm their new designer). I had agreed to meet up at—the owner of ST4R—Erik's house with Thijs, Ruben, and Erik himself at 4 P.M.

I arrived about half an hour early, and I wasn't completely sure about what door was Erik's anymore, so I decided to shoot some hoops on the court in front of his house (Tram 2 Court). After 15 minutes or so, a ball player that I know came up to me. Luckaly, he was able to tell me which door I needed. We shot some more hoops together, and then I headed to Erik.

I was glad to see the guy had been right about the door, as it was Erik who welcomed me in. Since the others weren't there yet, Erik suggested we'd watch one of the old Jordan game he has on tape. The one we watched was a particularly old one: the '82 NCAA championship game between Georgetown Hoyas and North Carolina. Though the game was a lot slower than what I know from the NBA, it was a very exciting one nonetheless: there were great line-ups (Ewing on one side; Perkins, Worthy, and Jordan on the other); some highlights (of which a lot came from James Worthy, who set a carreer record in points); some extra-ordinairy tight defense; and a very close end (with the gamewinning shot made by who-else).

During the game, one of the other guys—Thijs—had arrived. He had sat down and enjoyed the game with us.

After the game, we moved to the dinner table and discussed ST4R; the website, future projects, the identity, etc. We couldn't talk very long because Thijs had to leave pretty quickly, but it was fairly productive nonetheless. Shortly after Thijs had left, the other missing member—Ruben—arrived, and we talked some more … albeit slightly less serious.

Inspired by the game two of us had seen, and the words that had been said, we decided toplay some ball ourselves. When we arrived on the court, there were only some guys playing socker, but fortunately they were quickly exchanged for basketball players; enough to play four-on-four at first, and three-on-three for the rest of the evening. I had trouble focussing (I've been in that state of mind), causing quite a few turnovers and lousy defense, but I don't feel terrible about my game as I scored quite a few baskets out of some rather insane moves.

Back to the subject: this project is going to be a lot of work, and (initially) isn't going to make me any money, but I'm excited about the way it's heading and glad I can be a part of it. This organisation, with yours truly as their designer—I feel—can have a big positive impact on streetbasketball in The Netherlands (for starters).

In other news: I finally received word from Parnassia again. I have an appointment on October 7th.



1 comments so far.


Cool weblog :)

Posted by: Erik on August 15, 2005, at 12:39


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