
May 7 2004

The weather was good today. I was looking forward to play some serious 'ball outside. First I went to Bakkersplein to pick up Enrique and together we got on the tram to Tram 2 Court. On the tram, Enrique told me that he's been selected most promosing player of the Netherlands. I think it would have been weird if he would not been selected; after all, who else is going to train with an NBA team this year?

Usually there's quite a lot of players at Tram 2 Court, and sometimes good ones too, but today there was none of that. There were maybe 4 or 5 players, but they weren't really that good. We played three on three for a couple of minutes, but then Enrique and I got bored and we quit. Then there were some games one on one, but that was even more annoying. I played one game against some 16-year-old and lost... not that I put in any effort what so ever. Enrique and I decided to go back to Bakkersplein.

When we arrived at Bakkersplein the court was crowded with people playing soccer � some we knew, some we did not. There was no room left to play basketball, so we decided to go to the (crappy but functional) Jenny Plantsoen court. Halfway there, I decided I didn't feel like playing anyway and we both went home.

Well, that was a world of suck � what's next? I got home and I told my mom I was crumpy. She says what else is new? Funny. Har har.

Anyway. before I had gone out to play basketball (which turned out to be a failed attempt), Dan-Vi had asked me if I would be up for drinks and perhaps some dancing later at night. Around this time she called me to ask whether I was still on. I said I would take a shower, get dressed, and head towards town. I took said shower, then felt like shit. Down and anxious; not really the kind of mindset that makes one want to socialize and boogie. Bah. I send out an SMS to tell I wasn't comming.

I got in some comfi' clothes and played some NBA Inside Drive 2004 in an attempt to stop the mounting anxiety and, well, relax. A pretty successfull attempt, I'd say — I feel a lot better now. It saddens me that I didn't get to spend time with my friends, but I'm glad I stayed in. By the way, Kevin Garnett kicks even more ass in this game than he does in real life (which is a lot). Perhaps because, in the game, I'm the point guard. *grin*

In between games I've also been world wide webbing (also known as browsing) a little. In this process I stumbled upon the following:



3 comments so far.


ACJ r0x fo' sho.

Posted by: Agilo on May 7, 2004, at 05:07


I know that grumpy feeling. It usually hits me after trying to teach standards to people who would rather be playing basketball.

Nevertheless, you turned down a pretty girl's invitation to party over a pair of comfy pants and web surfing? Dude, you must be one serious geek. But I understand. I'm sitting here at dawn typing away in my panties.

Funny, I used the W3C validator at least four times yesterday in a presentation and not I nor anyone else including Eric Meyer noticed the so-called redesign. Not sure what that means, but sometimes a tool is just a tool, you know?

Now enough of that grumpy stuff. Let's put on some pants and get on with the world.

Posted by: Molly on May 7, 2004, at 12:46


Hey Molly,

Sorry, I'll pay better attention in WaSP class next time. Heh.

Usually, I'm known as quite the party animal, actually — it's this long lasting (manic) depression that's been keeping me from doing those sort of thing the past 8 months or so (save a few occasions). No worries though, I'll get over it — I've done it before, and I've got more people helping me this time. (I'm not denying I have a geeky side though.)

Thanks for the comment and the link.

Posted by: ACJ on May 7, 2004, at 17:14


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