Weblog: January 28, 2004


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Oops, I did it again

January 28 2004

Even though I said I wouldn't, only two days ago — I implimented the new design I've been working on for the past couple of days. I didn't replace all the individual pages quite yet, but most of the main sections and first level subsections are done. The new layout is even more flexible, liquid, accessible, etc. as the previous, and the next design will probably be just that. There probably is no end to this, and I don't think I believe that is a bad thing. Besides the new layout, there are also some new subsections. I added some people to the People page, and there's more to come.

Another thing I did again today is completely freak out. I was feeling not too well (what else is new), and I got into an argument with my mom. I walked away to take a refreshing shower, because I got really upset — very much like I did about two months ago. It seems I walked away a few second too late though (hey, I'm new to this aggression thing, don't blame me for lacking a sense of timing), because I punched a freaking hole in the door. What? Yes, I — mister passivism — punched... a hole... in the door. My mom made an appointment with a doctor for me earlier today. She figured something has to change. Well, if I didn't make that obvious before, I sure did it now. Damn.


This day, elsewhere.