Happy 22nd, Madhvi

January 22 2004

Today is the birthday of my ex-girlfriend, Madhvi. I'll send her a card. It will arrive late, but it's not like it's going to cause a breakup or anything (pun intended).

I felt less good than yesterday (actually the day before yesterday, since it's past mignight). Too bad, every time I have a good day, I hope it's an end to this long lasting depression thing. I did play some street basketball today though, and I wasn't doing too bad either. Actually, I was feeling quite alright while I was playing.

Tomorrow (er... today), there is a basketball training that I was thinking of attending, but I don't think that's going to work out. I will try to get up in time to go into town, which is something I haven't done for a long time (which is weird, for me). That shouldn't be too hard of a thing to do, considering the fact that the stores stay open late on Thurdays.

I want to go look for a digital camera, a new computer screen, some clothes, and perhaps a card for Madhvi. I'm also going to call Challenge Computers and ask them what the fuck there problem is. If they cannot answer this question properly, I'll assure them I'll make them some new ones. Daily routine, usually, but big plans for nowday's standards.

My friend Torsten even has some bigger plans for tonight. He left me a message on my voice mail about going into town with a bunch of people and going dancing in het Paard later. First let me try to make into town... we'll see from there.

No new episode of Utterly Random yesterday. Maybe today... maybe not. Anyway, here are some utterly random Flash games to make up for it:



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