Yay! Andy 'The Viking' Fordham is the Lakeside champion 2004! Congratulations, Viking!
I did not see the match myself, I was playing basketball outside with Michael (not Jordan, mind you). Before Michael joined me — and I was playing by myself — Peter Verheul (my letter design teacher) came by. We had a long (hour and a half, or so) talk about my depression, graphic design, music, sports, well... a lot of things. It was good to see somebody that is affiliated with the Academy again. Going back to Academy is not really an option I consider a possibility quite yet, but I do miss it a lot.
Talking about the Academy — I linked all the individual pages of my KABK portfolio to the new style sheet I cooked up for my new idea. After some minor adjustments to both the markup as the style, they integrated very well. All sections but the home page are in the all new style now. I'm not done with the home page quite yet, but I don't think it will take much longer before I impliment that too.
Peter was not the only person I did a lot of talking with today.
My mother and I have probably been talking even more.
A lot of things about the past that we both had put away are starting to make sense now.
Oddities that could not be defined before turn out to most likely be parts of this big puzzle that is titled depression
I also received an email from Rob, the husband of Beatrice from my guitar ensemble. In his email he wishes me a (late) happy new year, but also talks about this own experiences with anxiety attacks, and about how he knows how much they suck. He started having arrays of anxiety attacks after he suffered from severe heart problems. It appears that with him too it's a family — and by that probably genetic — thing. He told me to not fear psychiatrists in my search for a solution.
It's a nice thing [understatement] that I get so much support — also from directions I wouldn't really expect them.
Hell, even Michael — who is a 12 year old kid — started about his own anxiety attacks today, during basketball.
He knows nothing about my condition, he just felt like mentioning that he experiences anxiety attacks in small, closed spaces (claustrophobia, anyone?).
I told him I thought it was kind of eerie that he would mention this now, and explained him why.
I also gave him the advice that Rob gave me earlier, which is to not fear help... even if this help involves the tourment of a shrink
. ;-)