Happy (late) Birthday, Mr. Bowie!

January 9 2004

David Bowie had his 57th birthday, yesterday. It's kind of eerie — I hadn't played any of his music for weeks (probably months), and then in the night of 7 on 8 January, I played 5 or 6 of his albums. It was only a few hours after, that I found out it was his birthday.

The game between Andy Fordham and Fitten turned out to be a very exciting one. Fordham won, and will be facing Raymond van Barneveld in the Lake Side semi finals. I like Fordham, but my money is on my fellow Dutchy (we live in the same town, even).

My friend Dan-Vi Pham is on her way to New York, where she'll be staying there for a couple of months, getting working experience in graphic design. Her boyfriend Jurriaan is already in Finland, with Suzan, who's also a friend of mine. I miss them already.

I'm supposed to have guitar ensemble today, but I really don't feel like it. I'll be staying home, working on my website some, and watching PaPaul... for now.

Stivoro is annoying the hell out of me lately... while I quit smoking about 5 months ago myself... Go figure.