Interesting. With this new Google Accessible Search, my homepage �
� is the first result for the query acj
, whereas it barely makes it to the first page with the regular search nowdays. Too bad this new service doesn�t practice [Source of:] what it preaches [Accessible Search FAQ]. (Via The inaccessible Google Accessible Search - Anne�s Weblog.)
3 comments so far.
Next time I see you on AIM/Gtalk, we must talk biznezz.
Posted by: James on August 8, 2006, at 03:04
Google has lots of its oddddddities!!! hehehe :)
Posted by: irina on October 17, 2006, at 16:25
I can state that Google is the most unpredictable retrieval system.
Posted by: Geo on November 29, 2006, at 16:22