Annoying crap

September 21 2005

I Played some indoor basketball again on tuesday. We (okay, I) played like utter crap. When I got home (near midnight), I started working on a school assignment. In the meantime, I talked to some classmates via messenger, and was informed I had to work on another assignment � of which I thought was for friday � aswell. This one would take much more time. I needed a smoke.

It turned out both my mom and I ran out of them (cigarettes), so I had to go out and get some. When I got back it was around midnight, and I got started on my assignments. As if I weren�t feeling insecure about my basketball game enough � and stressed out in general � already, one of my friends sent me a link that shows LeBron James [since when do first names come in camelcase?] hitting five 90 foot basketball shots in a row? Apparently without breaking a sweat.

When I finally finished my assignments and could stop watching LeBron like a bunny that stares into a speeding car�s headlights, I went to bed. I couldn�t fall asleep, initially, and when I finally did, I was woken after less than an hour by the sounds of chainsaws, stripping down some trees. I couldn�t manage to get back to sleep at first, but when I did, it was mere minutes before my alarm clock would go off.

I managed to disable it in a half-sleep state, and than shook up about ten minutes later, meaning I had to rush. My hair that had been cooperating so well during the weekend had seemed to have died (quite literally). I missed the tram, and I arrived at school right after the assignment had been handed out. The next class wouldn�t start for about 6 hours later, but I couldn�t leave because I had to see tow teacher (for about ten minutes each, tops).

I didn�t have anything I could work on at the spot, so I just played around with the music on my PowerBook and iPod. In an unguarded moment, the laptop went standy while the iPod was connected, apparently whiping the latter clean. When I finally did follow class, it had become so late I missed dinner, so I got a reheated portion. After dinner, I wanted to play basketball, but fell asleep. I woke up around the time a lot of people go to bed.

Did I mention I�ve had this annoying feeling there�s a fly in my eye for about 24 hours now?



1 comments so far.


wow this is so kool not u suck dick nose eat my piss

Posted by: jessica miller on October 16, 2005, at 09:49


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