A conversation with igod:
- Me:
- Yo.
- God:
- Can I help you?
- Me:
- I doubt it.
- God:
- " Can I help you?"? You doubt it?
- Me:
- I do.
- God:
- Where?
- Me:
- In my brain.
- God:
- May I ask where you got it?
- Me:
- From you, I assume.
- God:
- Who or what is me you assume?
- Me:
- God.
- God:
- GOD rules.
- Me:
- Which ones?
- God:
- " GOD rules.?" Which ones?
- Me:
- Yes; which GOD and which rules?
- God:
- Alright then. There is only one God.
- Me:
- I'm glad we cleared that up.
- God:
- Yes I am happy too,.
- Me:
- So, which rules?
- God:
- Wow! The first one, I think.
- Me:
- I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt...?
- God:
- Who made you the Lord my God who brought me out of the land of Egypt?
- Me:
- Not me, silly.
- God:
- If not you, who? No I am God.
- Me:
- Exactly.
- God:
- You and I are on the same wavelength,.
- Me:
- Rock on.
- God:
- Mostly Christian Rock. I also try to find new bands on sites like bandspace.com.
- Me:
- Dear God, I loathe Christian Rock.
- God:
- What's your sign?
- Me:
- Virgo.
- God:
- Most of my friends are Virgo.
- Me:
- That is because Virgos kick ass.
- God:
- Good reason. Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
- Me:
- How about deity?
- God:
- How about it.
- Me:
- I will go with that.
- God:
- What will you find there?
- Me:
- Enlightment, I hope.
- God:
- Can we get back to business?
- Me:
- Sure thing.
- God:
- Er. I lost my train of thought.
- Me:
- ...
- God:
- Er. I lost my train of thought.
- Me:
- Great. One time I chat with God, and I find a glitch.
4 comments so far.
This design, it...
...well, you know.
Posted by: James on September 12, 2005, at 17:18
Awesome, hahaha. iGod just won't talk to me, I guess I did something bad, either in life or with the program.
Posted by: Murdoink on September 16, 2005, at 00:32
Posted by: Dania on February 5, 2006, at 23:13
Posted by: nio on October 14, 2008, at 11:20