I need San Andreas

June 15 2005

Recently, I started playing gta Vice City again, because it was taking so long for the pc version of gta San Andreas to come out � especially in Europe.

I decided to start a second game: a new game � doing all missions; collecting all hidden packages; and winning all races all over again. Apart from the objectives that carried over from the first game (like 100% completion without getting caught or wasted, and without using cheats), I set a couple of new ones � some more realistic than others. Some of these new objectives are:

  1. Store every car of which there is only one in one of the garages, even if (or especially when, rather) the car is only encountered during the missions (and you�re not really supposed to jack the car).
  2. Hit 100% of all bullets fired.
  3. Break my personal Vigilante Mission level record (wich was already pretty high).

So far, I�m doing well on the first one � I got the ride of Haitians� main man (which looks awesome but drives like crap). The second one, I probably broke within the first minutes of the game, but I�m going see how high I can still get. Last but not least, the third objective was met today, and it took me only one shot.

In fact, the only reasons I quit the mission eventually � after having reached level 200, and having collected over a hundred million (100,000,000) dollars (and by that meeting another objective that carried over from the first game) � were that it got boring, and that I should be spending my time on other things right now.

Now, keep in mind that I did this without without getting hit, with over four hours left (don�t let the clock fool you � the counter starts counting from 00:00 after you reach 99:59), and without using cheats � at all. I mean, what�s left to do here?

Luckaly, San Andreas has arrived and the stores will be open tomorrow night. ?

�Ciao, Vice City!


12 comments so far.


je veux celui

Posted by: khalil on February 26, 2006, at 12:20


hejhej monika hej p

Posted by: g-unit on March 2, 2006, at 20:21


hello san andreas is great but i'm stuck in one of Toreno's missions "monster" bye and please help me. -did you not get bored after 4hours of vigilante missions ? Thank you

Posted by: gouranga on March 29, 2006, at 17:57


tip get a tank

Posted by: wright on April 8, 2006, at 03:04


quiero descargar vice city por favor.... diganme si alguien sabe

Posted on May 4, 2006, at 22:06


u suck your momma's tities, you fat sack of ugly shit

Posted on May 9, 2006, at 23:12


hola como estas bien

Posted by: paola on May 10, 2006, at 20:35


toreno is a batard

Posted by: da on May 12, 2006, at 22:51


Tudo nice

Posted by: Andre on May 20, 2006, at 11:08


fag, ure gay

Posted on June 7, 2006, at 02:47


Anyone who says that san andreas sucks ,sucks their dad's dick!

Posted by: joey on June 7, 2006, at 21:31


Anyone who says san andreas is gay sucks their dad's dick!

Posted by: chris on June 7, 2006, at 21:33


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