Revenge of the Sith

May 19 2005

I guess a new Star Wars flick is about � and I didn�t have to check the news to find out.

Consider the following caption from this month�s user statistics for, and take into account that the string Darth Maul only appears on this site once (twice after this posting), and that it�s completely out of any Star Wars context.

Top 20 of 823 Total Search Strings
? Hits Search String
1 3882 39.32% darth maul
2 376 3.81% wallpapers
3 358 3.63% drawing

That is rediculous (and makes me wonder �till what page of Google search results people go � I rarely look beyond page 10 myself).



2 comments so far.


Woah, that's really awkward

Posted by: Murdoink on May 22, 2005, at 18:36


There were extremely excellent and the best scenes in the movie "Revenge of the Sith". Good originality and great imagination, great story in this movie! Here's Photo gallery for Hayden Christensen(Anakin) of this movie. I love Star Wars series the most!

Posted by: Creford on July 17, 2005, at 03:40


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