ACJ’s I'm kidding
- Posted
- April 2 2005
�opposed to kicking
, as I claimed in my previous post�I'm kicking�which was posted on 4/1, at 04:01. You get the point. I still hate blink
, and I hate Blink 182 even more.
Here are some of the web�April Fool�s I noticed yesterday:
- TerriAngel's Xanga Site - 3/31/2005 12:09:08 PM
- How could
The Best Page In The Universe
not have a kick-ass April Fools?
- Stopdesign | The Flop
- This is how I was confronted with Stopdesign yesterday (it resembles In today�s post, he explains there were three more.
- Kong is � Production Diary: Day 123
- A lot of time and effort seem to have gone in this one: a movie clip with Peter Jackson.
- Steve Jobs joins Mozilla Foundation as President
- Nice one at - Gemal's Psyched Blog.
- Google Gulp
- Don�t miss the
Frequently asked questions
- Sixfoo! 660�
- A Social Network for Social Networks by Sixfoot6
1 comments so far.
Good one Maddox.
Posted by: What the hell on April 4, 2005, at 01:34