…and it gets creapier

February 28 2005

22 in action. Some of it live, even.

A friend of mine just talked to me on msn Messenger about how he's been experiencing this 22-weirdness more and more. A good friend of his had just told him her favorite numer is 22, he found out he was born at 10PM, and when he looked on his fathers phone for the time earlier today, it said 22:22 while it was actually about 9 o’clock.

Just when he’s done talking, another guy sends me a picture—out of the blue—and asks what it means:

(…Ok, and while I’m writing this, my friend tells me his mother just told him to keep the 22nd free next month, because he is going to have a check-up on his eyes. When he asks her why she set an appointment for so much time from now, she has no answer. Amazing.)

Anyway. I knew the picture shows a religious icon, but because I wasn’t sure of its exact meaning, I Googled it. I scrolled down, and what does it read? Lesson 22 - The Beast of Revelation 13. No, that is just great.

(…Oookay, and while I'm writing this, my friend sends me this:

Dit is het getal van het lijden. In de Bijbel is Jozef is vanaf het moment dat hij door zijn broers werd verkocht 22 jaar gescheiden geweest van zijn vader en broers. In de tweede wereldoorlog waren er 22 vernietigingskampen. Het getal 22 geeft meestal de grens van het lijden aan, na deze periode breekt een nieuwe tijd aan. Psalm 22 is de lijdenspsalm.

Which says 22 is the nummer of suffering, and provides some examples from the Bible and woii. Amazing.)

(Right, and when I write about what my friend just told me, said friend sends me a link to a Dutch site on Nemurology. It reads:

Sleutelwoord: DE BOUWMEESTER.
Positieve eigenschappen: Begripvol, bekwaam, briljant verstand, creatief, doelgericht, dominerend, dynamisch, intuïtief, inzicht, krachtig, kundig, machtig, moedig, organisatietalent, reislustig, spiritueel, succesvol, tactvol, verstandig.
Negatieve eigenschappen: Bekrompen, bombastisch, ingebeeld, kwaadwillend, minderwaardigheidscomplex, misdadig, onverschillig, wraakgierig, zwarte magie.
Te leren: Onzelfzuchtige dienstbaarheid; vasthouden aan idealen.

I’m not even going to bother to translate it. You get the point.)

Yeah, you get the point alright. A great reminder, also, to finish my article on the number 22 that’s been a draft for … (checks) … 19 days. (It actually becomes noteworthy when things are not 22.) Sigh.



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