Broke The Unbreakable Record

October 12 2004

42 years ago, Wilt Chamberlain pulled off the mind-boggling feat of scoring one hundred points in one NBA game. He did this during a game of the Philadelphia vs. New York, at Hershey, Pa. The feat was quickly labeled The Unbeatable Record, and it would indeed remain unbeaten … by a long shot.

However, today, during a 139-95 beat-down of the Minnesota Timberwolves over the Memphis Grizzlies, I scored one hundred and nine points. I made 43 out of 64 field goals, 12 of 21 three point shots, and all of my eleven free throws. Meanwhile, I dished out 11 assists and grabbed 10 steals, making for a tripple double. Are the 3 rebounds and the block even worth mentioning?

Quite an amazing feat, eh? Too bad it was just a video game (NBA Inside Drive 2004): the actual record is—and will remain—unbeatable.



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