Weblog: September 11, 2004


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Blogging Considered Harmful

September 11 2004

Keeping a diary is bad for your health, say UK psychologists. They found that regular diarists were more likely than non-diarists to suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems and social awkwardness.

Their finding challenges assumptions that people find it easier to get over a traumatic event if they write about it.

We expected diary keepers to have some benefit, or be the same, but they were the worst off, says Elaine Duncan of the Glasgow Caledonian University. In fact, you?re probably much better off if you don?t write anything at all, she adds.

Dear diary, you make me sick

Er… did it even occur to her that perhaps people that have more reasons to suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems and social awkwardness—perhaps because of a trauma—might be the same people that have more reasons to keep a diary?

Via Antipixel.


This day, elsewhere.