Freaky Occurrences

August 12 2004

The day before yesterday, I heard that had been bombing attacks in Istanbul, Turkey, in the same area (Sultanahmet) as where I spent a great week with some friends from school, almost a year ago. The weird thing is; our trip had been canceled a couple of times back then, in fear for exactly what has happend now.

Yesterday, when I was walking to Tram 2 Court—in order to play some basketball (which went well)—I was thinking about whether basketball legend Michael Jordan would reply if you were to send him an email via his site. I have no idea why I was thinking about that, as there was no event in my life that should lead to it: I hadn't been to his site… nothing.

This night, I was talking to Enrique on MSN Messenger. Out of the blue, he tells me he has received a reply from MJ, to an email that he had sent via the site. … Weird!

We've seriously been experiencing too much of this sort of shit lately.



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