Weblog: June 3, 2004


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Well, that explains a great deal...

June 3 2004

The past few years I have been wondering what my relation with India is. I mean—from as far back as I can remember and then some, I've had something with all things Indian: I love Indian music, Indian clothes, Indian food, Indian women... (Oh God, Indian women.) There's always been something about that country, but I've never been able to put my finger on it. If I'd believe in reincarnation, I'd say I've been born there once (perhaps twice).

Anyway. A more clear answer than I'd ever dare dream of has been provided to me just now, and it came from a direction where I wouldn't be looking for answers to this particular question in the first place. The answer comes from one of those stupid online I am... test thingies that you only do when you're really bored.

Read the rest?


This day, elsewhere.