Many years ago (I don't know what year it was, exactly), my January 1st resolution for the next year was to never have a January 1st resolution. So far, I have managed to stick to it. However, the resolution said nothing about the remaining 364 days of a regular calendar year. I therefor now present to you; my June 2nd Resolution. Let's just hope it'll work out as good as the other one.
The subject of my resolution is my health; and factors that influence it directly. As some of you know, I've been suffering from depression and anxiety for a good nine months now, which caused me to quit school, destroyed most of my social life, and just plain sucks in general. It's beyond obvious that I want to get out of this situation (preferably not getting into a worse one), and I've been taking steps to accomplish just that. (Hence my visits to Parnassia.) Recent events raise the level of urgency though, asking for more drastic measurments.
One event in particular that I want/need to be ready for is, the Bowie concert I'm attending with my dad on June 14! This is important for me for so many reasons, it's not even funny. I cannotwill not have this event (of a life time) be spoiled for me for whatever reason. This alone requests a plan that should initiate now in order to feel better in two weeks from now.
The fromer is not the only reason though. Another trigger has been provided by my mom tonight and by my latest psychologist last week: they both stated the painfull but obvious truth that my life currently sucks. Thanks a lot people, that hurt like a bitch... but I'm afraid you're right. Other reasons that seem particularly relevant are:
best friends,but I love 'm anyway. I'm a people person and a party animal... normally. Also, to the people I do see nowdays, I'm not the greatest sport. (I'm aware of this, bare with me.)
So here I am—no more mister weak guy—I have to take matters into my own hands now since it doesn't look like things are planning to change by themselves. But, enough ranting... on to the resolutions—presented in the form of a (o
I think I might not feel that terrible now—just get out of bed. Goal in one week should be to get up between 8 and 11, every day.
normal things.
So there you have it. I would probably laugh at these things in non-depressed periods in my life, but now they seem rather heroic... which is rediculous and all the more reason to start. Starting now.
3 comments so far.
completely jealous about the Bowie concert! That'll be fantastic, I'm sure.
Anxiety attacks really are no fun at all. =/
Maybe it'd help to keep either a list of positive things - or your resolution.... and keep it with you?
This sounds like one of those posts it'll be interesting to look back on someday. Definitely..
Posted by: Libby on June 2, 2004, at 22:22
Yeah, I can't believe I'm really going to see him. I own 15 albums of the man, and get enough of his music, still. It's also the first time in many years I'm going to actually do something with my father.
No, anxiety attacks are hell. I have been operated, have broken my nose, have ripped off ankle allignments, etc. but I consider those things fun compared to anxiety attacks. No fun at all.
I try to keep them in my head, and more importantly, act to it.
I bet it is; previous writings from my hand have proven this. I'm really glad I've started writing on a (pretty much) daily basis about ten months ago, just when the depression thing was about to kick in again. It's really helping me and my psycho-therapists out in our quest to find out what the heck exactly is the matter with me. (Also, the death thread incident could work as a nice anecdote in the future.)
Posted by: ACJ on June 7, 2004, at 02:00
about a week away.. Not bad. :)
I was going to say that the death-threat incident could still be something you talk about years from now.. but the Bowie concert falls into that category also, I think. That'll be an interesting night! :)
The ankle part made me just cringe. shudders Ow. I've screwed up my knees before - and broken toes. but yeah, anxiety attacks would be least-fun out of all. That is a just a whole different level of hell.
I think going back over your own old journal entries can be fascinating.. just to see how things have changed. I've kept a paper journal for years - one can learn a lot about themselves just going back through something like that.
Posted by: Libby on June 8, 2004, at 00:59