From the already controversial Google Blog:
So yes, we do get that blogs are all about communication with readers, not processed info dump-and-run. And we get that people want to know who's giving them that information. We also get that this is a new medium and that despite the conventions of the blogosphere, not everything is set in stone when it comes to blog style and tone.
Ehm... What's new in '92?
Sorry Google. I luv yaz. :)
3 comments so far.
hey, you have a pretty nice layout and an eye for detail. Thanks: fear of a beige planet (it's ok, this is grey)
Posted by: the amazing kim on May 18, 2004, at 13:01
Hello, Kim.
Thanks for your kind words. Note that the level of detail is a tad higher for modern standard complient visual browsers like Mozilla than it is for, let's day, Internet Explorer.
I choose a gray colourscheme (or a lack of colour, if you will) because — as a graphic designer — I tend to put a lot of visuals on my site (photos, drawings, etc). Any given array of colours would automatically clash with the content of some page on this site.
I do, however, intend to impliment various alternate stylesheets to meet those visitors that experience the current theme as a bit depressive. :)
Posted by: ACJ on May 18, 2004, at 17:31
Well said, Acj. The gray color scheme certainly shows off the colored bits in a very pronounced way.
Oh, on the subject of google... I got a gmail account! Garret signed up for (a site for people to beg for gmail invites) and he got two seperate invites, so he very generously gave me one. My new addy is james.labove at gmail dizot com. w00t!
I plan on writing a review of sorts on my blog later on tonight. So far, I have very positive feelings on it. It's about as standards compliant as a moldy ham sandwich, but the interface is very nice.
Posted by: James on May 20, 2004, at 19:03