Quality time with dad

April 17 2004

I spend some quality time with my father today. It had been a while. It had also been a while since I'd been to Scheveningen Boulevard. It was great to be there, and to be with my dad. The weather was mighty fine, as were the women. One girl stood out in particular, and frankly, she still does. It was one of the waitresses at the place at which we stopped for some foods and drinks — not in the last place because of her.

As usual, it was scary how much my father and I are alike, though we've seen so little of eachother. Scary, yet comforting. At least there is somebody that know what the hell you're talking about. We talked about everything and absolutely nothing — politics, phylosophy, psychology, boobies. We had a lot of fun.

On our way back home, he told me more about his past, of long and not so very long ago. He had one particularly scary story about an event that has taken place only a few years ago. I'm not sure whether everybody forgot to tell me, or if I have completely blocked this out. It appears that one my father's best friends has been murdered by her very own son, in a very violent way. I used to play with him when we were kids.

Though the story makes me sick, I'm happy my father has been showing to be a lot more open about his past, his emotions, and their relation. He dropped me off at my place — I went inside to get ready for basketball and he went back to Zaandam.

I played basketball at my home court for the rest of the day, but nothing serious (there were only kids). The most excitement I experienced was when there was a catfight in which the mother of one of the two cats joined, and the police was called upon her later on — about as exciting as folding my socks, I'd say.

When I finally decided I should really go home and have dinner, like people do, I was confronted with some extremely good and some sad news. The ex-fucking-tremely good news is that my father ordered two tickets to the David Bowie concert that will be taking place here in The Netherlands in July. We had discussed the matter earlier today, but I didn't expect him to actually go for it — let alone the same day. The sad news is that the Indian actress Soundarya was killed in a plain crash. Rest in peace.

I'm about to head into town, and say hi to some friends.



3 comments so far.


Kick ass! I'll be seeing him on the 29'th of this month. BOWIE NIIIIIIIIIII!!!

Posted by: James on April 19, 2004, at 00:04


We finally get to sex Mr. Bowie! I mean see. See!

Posted by: ACJ on April 19, 2004, at 01:04


ACJ :')

Posted by: James on April 21, 2004, at 02:48


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