Page 23

April 17 2004

Anne made me look at Matt, who had me look at Drew, who made me decide to do this:

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

From a book called Woordenboek Duits from Lekturama:

Befremdung w

Ok, so I cheated. It is not a sentence. The problem is, a dictionary usually doesn't have sentences on page 23, let alone a fifth one — at least this one doesn't. Then again, if I were to go grab another book to avoid this problem, it would no longer be the nearest, and I think that would be cheating more.

This is one of the extremely rare cases I use i instead of em or cite or font-style: italic — this might very well be the single one occurrence of it on my entire site. Why did I do it? Because the semantic elements that render text italic by default and cross browser, have semantics that would be out of place in this particular case, and I think <span style="font-style: italic"> is redundant and stupid.



2 comments so far.



I'm still wondering if I should use a SPAN with a good CLASS name when I come across this kind of content.

Posted by: Anne on April 18, 2004, at 10:44


As long as <i> is a valid element (as in, not deprecated), I'd say no — a span with class has no more or less meaning than a simple i. The only advantage of a span with class is that you can add some meaning via a HTML meta profile, but that doesn't really weigh up to the two advantages of i (being the number of bytes that is saved and the fact that it is more widely supported), in my opinion. By the way, welcome. =)

Posted by: ACJ on April 18, 2004, at 18:36


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