Listening to Nina Simone The Greatest Hits (which album I purchased yesterday) makes me both happy as sad. She's a hero.
I was excited to hear css Zen Garden won the SXSW Web Awards Developer's Resource, and Best of Show. Ofcourse all credit should go to mezzoblue's Dave Shea, but I can't help but feel a bit of a winner myself, since one of the official designs is mine. :)
I was at a loss for words — or even thoughts — when hearing about the Madrid train attacks, but I was very relieved to hear Elvira didn't get there untill the day after.
It was sad hearing tv host Ralph Inbar had died — I grew up with his programs in the 80's.
I wonder what I'll hear tomorrow...
4 comments so far.
Tomorrow's news: Murdoink takes over the world. ;x
Posted by: Murdoink on March 16, 2004, at 22:54
Erp, those didn't show because of the br tag, how weird. Anyways, I was going to say that I'd take over the world tomorrow, hope to see you when I do so. =)
Posted by: Murdoink on March 16, 2004, at 22:55
those didn't show because of the br tagYou have to escape the tag — we're using xml syntax here (<br />).
Posted by: ACJ on March 16, 2004, at 23:11
Goddamn you. Damn you damn you. I was going to attempt to make your weblog not valid, argh. BR TAGS
Posted by: Murdoink on March 17, 2004, at 00:51