Weblog: March 8, 2004


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Happy (late) birthday, Mikey!

March 8 2004

Today — or yesterday, if you want to get technical — I went bowling with Mikey, Enrique, and a bunch of Mikey's friends to celebrate Mikey's birthday of last week. It was kind of funny seeing Enrique and myself, both 6'+, and both wearing a two piece and fancy shoes, among a bunch of kids. I have to admit I felt about a decade younger today, which I didn't mind at all. Bowling was fun. I suck at bowling. So does Enrique. Oh well, at least those kids had a change to beat us at something (we use them for practice meat with basketball).

After a good hour of bowling, we went to the restaurant that was right next to the bowling alley. I had some steak and fries. The steak was ok, but observing those kids joking around was a lot more pleasing. Ofcourse, the weakest one got the pepper in his Coke, when he wasn't looking. Back in the day, I would probably have been that kid... but it's all good.

After dinner, I went home to do a quick change of clothes, and head straight for to the basketball court. Not only because the weather had been good all day and it was getting late, but also because I wanted to kick Mikey's ass with basketball after receiving some serious beating on the bowling alley earlier... so that's what I did.

Me in the mirror.Last night, I decided to jump on the band wagon, and get my face featured on The Mirror Project. I've come across this project on several occasions, and really liked this initiative, but never got to submitting anything. I submitted three pieces of which two were denied. I have no idea as of why — I think they comply with the rules perfectly well. Oh well, maybe I'll email them about it... or maybe I won't. Anyway, one out of three made it through, and that's just enough to get my face on there. :p. I'm planning on submitting more.

I decided to order a PowerShot G5 (5.0 Megapixel CCD, hello) today, so I'll be making a lot of new pictures (including pictures of my own reflection ;)). Oh, and wouldn't it be nice if I could get a 4GB CompactFlash drive to go with it, for only $200? Too bad, they're a shitload more expensive here in the Netherlands, and it's not easy to imporant them without ending up paying just as much.

I'm planning on devoting a page to my Mirror Project submission in the Projects section. This would be on the new address that (I hope) is going to go live tomorrow (and no, it's not going to be acj dot com, which has been speculated).


This day, elsewhere.