Weblog: January 7, 2004


Weblog entries posted on this day.

How are you?

January 7 2004

I woke up around 11 in the morning today, but dozed off again, woke up around 2 in the afternoon, fell asleep again, and finally got up around 4:30. I could remember some of the things I'd been dreaming, which happens quite often lately. Today it was about playing street basketball on a grass court, riding crocodiles with friends, a small dog doing something to my hand (whether it was mating or trying to eat it, I'm not sure), and stuff that involved a lot of friends from the real world. In short, it was totally bizarre, though it didn't freak me out (during the dreaming process that is).

Before I went to bed around 6, this morning, I had been working on a beta version of the website that is part of this great idea I had yesterday (and still do). I'm very excited about the result of one day work, and the feed-back of the few people I showed the results to were very positive. I also had some more ideas that I wrote sketched out in my dummy book, right before I went to sleep. I really need to find a proper domain for this baby.

Today I got the new SIM card for my cellular phone in the mail. The SIM is from Vodafone, which is going to replace T-Mobile as my provider. I'm not too sad about it; T-Mobile has been good to me, but I liked them better when they were Ben, I'm keeping the same number, I no longer have to pay my bills (biggest advantage), and Vodafone is a good provider aswell. The actual transition will be made on the 22nd of this month... which is my ex' birthday (I think I'll send her a card).

I've been playing around with floating images (preferably with some sort of label) in paragraphs (p) again the past few days. I don't know if it's some paranormal thingy (or just a great minds think...), but it appears Dan Cederholm made a SimpleQuiz about it about a week ago. There's some interesting comments that might influence my personal conclusions/decisions in this matter.


This day, elsewhere.