Weblog: December 25, 2003


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Merry? Christmas

December 25 2003

Felt a bit better than yesterday, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. Woke up very late again, and stayed in bed watching a movie... again. Pocahontas this time. Pocahontas and John Smith remind me of my ex and myself a lot (not that I ever had intentions of taking the land of her people).

Check out Meme Tree (link this page) at Drunk Men Work Here. I found the link at milov.nl, who was actually the source of inspiration. It's pretty neat, even though it doesn't appear to be working in Mozilla.

I hope I will feel better tonight, when my mom is going to make her awesome Christmas dinner, which will be attended by my grandmother and Peter (one of my uncles).


This day, elsewhere.