What happend before the review

Right before I had my final reviews at the Academy yesterday, I talked to an acquaintance of mine that I hadn't seen for over a year. She asked me how I was doing, and so I told her I was feeling like shit. She asked if I was missing my ex-girlfriend (she happens to the neighbour of my ex' sister). I told her that this was true, but that this was not the biggest problem right now. I asked whether she had seen my ex recently. She said she hasn't seen her for a while, but that she wasn't looking too good before. It appears she has lost weight (she was too light already) because she's been taking pills to stay awake at night to study. Ugh. I asked her how she was doing herself, and where she has been the past year. She told me she got depressed after her boyfriend committed suicide last year. Damn... I felt pretty quilty there for a sec. That's really terrible.
