Today is Sinterklaas, which is an old guy that looks like Santa, only he's not fat and he's Dutch.
Well, actually he's from Spain.
Well... actually he's from Turkey... long story...
Anyway, Dankuwel, Sinterklaas!
is what kids say when they get their presents on December 4th, or 5th (or 6th, wth some families), and means something like Thank you, Santa!
The reason I'm thankfull is not because this old dirty bastard has given me any presents (he hasn't done that for a decade or so), but because I've been feeling very good today. I spend all of last night working on some good ol' graphic design. I created a nice draft for a new design for my home page, using a picture I took of my own face, a type face that I designed last year, and ofcourse XHTML and CSS. I also made a submission to VPRO's Cover 1 design competition.
Even though I was feeling better I stayed home still. I already planned to see this week as one being lost from a school point of view. Another reason to stay home is that I don't think it's wise to start stressing the day I feel better. Next week is rather important though, it's that time for individual reviews again. People from my class are also starting to call and email me to ask me if I'm ok... it's a sign to get back. Anyway, today I stayed in bed 'till late again, ate dinner right after, again, and went to play basketball outside right after that... again. I played for several hours today. I felt the energy flowing through my vains, something I haven't experienced for months.
I'm not the only Fragile Minds member that has been active lately. Kryptondog has been updating his filmographic experience, and FatSatan has been re-designing the Fragile Minds home page.
Other people have been busy too. Mark made an interesting post about infinity... a must-read, I'd say. I wonder if Jaques has seen it yet. My friend Loesje Bouts who's in Australia right now emailed me today. She was at the premier of the last The Lord of the Rings movie, and has been joking around with with the actors. She also jumped from a plane, which doesn't sound too healthy, but she seems to have enjoyed/survived it.
Scott Howell —webmaster of MK5.ORG— just asked me if I want to help him with the re-design of his personal weblog. I told him I'm booked 'till the end of the year at least. He said that's not a problem.