Weblog: December 3, 2003


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Know thine Haas Neue Grotesk

December 3 2003

Just took the arial or helvetica? quiz at Derren Wilson's I live on your visits. It had been brought to my attention by James, who had some car trouble earlier. I scored a 9/10. Darnit, I hope my typography teachers at the Royal Academy won't find out.

It appears, James and I were not the only people that took the test.

Traffic stats that shows a sudden increas to 1543 hits today.

I felt a bit better today, by the way. Decided to play some basketball for three quarters of an hour, even. I'm not considering going back to school quite yet, though. Maybe next week.

I'll be spending the upcomming days on school projects. I don't want to get too far behind. That would only cause more stress, which I don't think i can use right now. In the meantime, I think I'll give the design competition for the (Dutch) VPRO magazine (it's due in two days, I think), just for the heck of it. My mom would also really appreciate it. I will also be working on the new Mortal Kombat Kourier, which I've been doing a lot lately. I pretty much finished two of the themes, which leaves 4 more to go. I'm very happy with the results so far.

Oh, the people behind the latest two websites that I added to my list of externals actually refered back to me on their respective sites. Thanks, guys.

Argh! That image in my last post found a limit in my Style Sheet. The image was hiding itself behind the menu in Mozilla, and it was hiding the menu in Internet Explorer (which, as usual, is worse). I made a panic fix that pushes the menu all the way down. It's a temporary solution, I will take a serious look at it tomorrow. Or after I've had some sleep, rather. The position of the menu was buggy on big increases of the font size settings anyway.


This day, elsewhere.