Finding the universe while hunting for treasures

November 28 2003

I decided to to some random surfing (opposed to doing my usual round of webstandards weblogs), and followed random links from the pages I passed by. Via a great site that I had not visited for a long time, I stumbled upon one of the most clever sites I've seen in a long time... if not ever. I think I might already have seen it before, but I'm not too sure. Anyway, the visual design might not be the most exciting (though I like the calendar pages a lot), but it's very accessible, and very standards-compliant (valid CSS and XHTML1.1). It's even being served as application/xhtml+xml, and it's in Dutch too! I also very much enjoyed this particular part of the source code:

	<!-- respect my authority-->
	<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
	<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE" />
	<meta name="DisableAllNonStandardCrap" content="TRUE" />

This one is going to my list of external links.

P.S. I'm not going to bother to talk about the dozens of horrific websites I stubled upon before I found this gem. I... actually already did that enough on IRC.