Weblog entries posted on this day.
Piets Bultsma has created a weapon for the child of prince Willem-Alexander and princess Máxima Zorreguieta, so reports the RTL news. The new weapon for the little prince or princess is directly linked to the current weapon of the Dutch Royal Family. This is interesting news since I have been working on a new weapon for the Dutch Royal family myself (even though my assignment is a fictive one and will never be implimented). Another somewhat interesting thing I noticed is that Piets Bultsma's website is being hosted by the same ISP as mine.
Playboy turned 50 today. Congratulations, bunny. This item is somewhat interesting to me since it's likely I'm going to start working for the Dutch Playboy Magazine in January 2004.
By the way, spend all day in bed again. Blah.
This day, elsewhere.