I spend practically the whole day in bed yesterday. I got out of bed around midnight to congratulate my mom with her birthday. I wanted to give her my present, but she said she wanted me to wait for the next day, when her mother and brother would be here (which is in a few hours from now). After I talked to my mom a bit (she told me that she had also been feeling a bit ill) I went online, but somehow I was only sending (very little) data, and not receiving any. I tried various things to fix it, but nothing seemed to work. I figured the problem was with my Internet Service Provider (Planet Internet), and decided to work offline a bit before go to bed.
I woke up very early today (around 7AM), even though I have a day off. It's not really surprising though, I think I did quite enough of sleeping yesterday. Anyway, since I didn't seem able to get back to sleep I decided to see if I could upload the things I'd worked on the night before. No good, I still could still connect to my host, but it still would send any data. I decided to work offline some more, make some coffee for my mom, and play with my Xbox a bit.
Those few hours of offline work this morning and last night were pretty well spend, I think.
I updated pretty much every page of my website.
These were mainly very subtle things that often took place in the head
of the document, but I also created a few whole new sections.
I also revived onef of the old themes of my website, being White & Black.
I wrote the StyleSheet from scratch, but it's based on a much older webdesign of mine.
Currently, the theme is only linked to this page, and can only be viewed by modern visual browsers that support alternative style sheets (Mozilla, Firebird, Opera).
Here is a little detail of a screenshot that I took of this weblog with the Black & White theme in Mozilla 1.6a.
It shows two items from the header links, being the link to my CV and the link to my Portfolio.
Note the white border around the portfolio link, which indicates a hover action.
Here's the portion of the StyleSheet that concerns the header items.
#header ul { float: right; margin: 0em; margin-top: -2em; padding: 0em }
#header ul li { color: #fff; float: left; list-style: square; margin: 0em; padding: 0.1em 2em 0.1em 0.1em }
#header ul li a { border: 1px solid #000; color: #fff; margin-left: -1.5em; padding-left: 1.5em; text-decoration: none }
#header ul li :hover { border-color: #fff }
Around noon today, my host suddenly started sending data again. I'll be uploading all the new and updated stuff today.
Hmm, I noticed that the piece code I quoted in this entry messed up the lay-out of this page in both Internet Explorer as Mozilla (though in very different ways), so I decided to add a little line to the default style sheet, being pre { overflow: scroll; width: 100% }
I'm not a big fan of the scrollbars it renders on the page now, but it sure beats a messed up lay-out.
It's one of those rare moments I think it's a pity that Microsoft's(?) CSS hack for scrollbar properties (scrollbar-base-color
, etc.) are not a W3C recomendation (frankly, they hate it).