Dictionary.com = teh st00pid

November 26 2003

I was wondering whether business card could also be written businesscard (in Dutch you can stick all words together), so I decided to ask Dictionary.com.

No entry found for businesscard.
Did you mean basingstoke?

Sorry, we ran out of bananas would you like a sheep?
I mean... the fuck?
I check whether it does recognize business card...
It does.

So what could have happend here? What could possibly have been going on in Mr. Dictionary dot com's mind? Here's what seems to me as to be the most likely scenario.

Hmm... he's looking for businesscard.
I don't know what businesscard is.
I do know, however, business card and basingstoke.
Which one could he possibly mean?
Let's go for basingstoke.

ARGH! NO! Bad Dictionary dot com! BAD!

What is a basingstoke anyway?