Weblog Integration

November 24 2003

I finally integrated the weblog into the style and markup of my site. This process actually only took several minutes and bytes. The weblog is no longer served as XHTML1.1, but XHTML1.0, just like the rest of the pages on this site (except for the home page, which is still served as XHTML1.1). The weblog is now linked to the same shortcut icon and StyleSheet as the rest of the pages. The most drastic change I made is probably moving the Calendar from the front to the end of the content. Other changes that I made include:

I wish I could get a ISSN. :(

I updated the Photography section of my Portfolio with a series of basketball pictures I made with a digital camera for the photography classes of Alf Schöne in my first year at the Royal Academy. Expect more photography and other additions to the portfolio tonight.

I just added a typography and a writing section to my portfolio, and styled the del and ins elements.