Weblog entries posted on this day.
Mozilla.org finally implimented Dave Shea's new design.
David is the author of Mezzoblue and CSS Zen Garden.
It goes without saying that Dave did an awesome job, and I think Mozilla has made a good choice in hiring Dave (though next time, they should hire me :p
Just downloaded and installed Mozilla 1.6 Alpha.
I just got back from the Dr. Anton Philips zaal, were I was witnising the Night of the Blues 2003, untill one of those damned anxiety attacks made me leave early. From what I've seen and heard (which, sadly, is very little), I can say it rocked. Really awesome musicians... I wish I could have stayed (well, technically I could, but I doubt that'd have been a good idea).
I love women. This statement seems utterly random, but is very relevant. As I was walking home... feeling blue (pun intended), my eyes fell on a beatiful woman that was talking to another woman and walking by in the opposite direction. I didn't even realize I was staring at her untill she started staring back, and then... that smile. A smile that I haven't seen in years... not this obvious anyway. Warmed my heart right up. Right after that, while I was still walking, a (female) friend of mine called me to ask whether I wanted to go and have a drink with her and some other girls. Though tempting, I decided to thank for the honor. While I was still one the phone with my friend, the only woman from the group of people I was with at the Night of the Blues called me to ask what was wrong. While I was explaining the issue to her in a nutshell, some girl I know from the Academy came biking by, greeting me and asking me how I was doing. It is as if the sense that I don't feel to well, and do anything to make me feel better.
I'm doing a bit better now. I think I'll take things easy for a while.
Another (yes, female) friend just called me to invite me to for a drink.
Kamala, in The Matrix: Revolutions (trainstation). A perfect cast, as such beauty cannot be from this world.
For something completely different: I'm going to a blues concert with my guitar ensemble tonight. It will start at 19:30 PM (GMT + 1:00), in the Dr. Anton Philips zaal.
This day, elsewhere.