Weblog: November 5, 2003


Weblog entries posted on this day.

Speed me up, Scotty!

November 5 2003

My ISP is boosting up both my upload as download speeds. I don't have to do anything for it, and I don't have to pay any extra. No, there is no catch, they've just been too expensive all this time.

Here is a caption of the email I just received from Planet Internet (in Dutch).

Geachte heer Dekker,

Als ADSL-gebruiker kan internetten u ongetwijfeld niet snel genoeg gaan. Dan hebben wij nu goed nieuws voor u: uw ADSL Comfort-abonnement krijgt extra vaart!

De snelheid om te downloaden gaat omhoog van 768 Kbit/s naar 1024 Kbit/s. En zelf bestanden te versturen gaat maar liefst meer dan twee keer zo snel: van 128 Kbit/s naar 320 Kbit/s.

Vodka is to Russians what therapy is to Americans. I just heard that on the television... it made me chuckle.


November 5 2003

Yesterday, at the Academy, my friend Roos asked me whether I want to join her on her project that likely will start in January. She wants to make an artistic single edition for the Dutch Playboy Magazine. She was adviced to not do this alone since it can be quite a lot of work, so she asked me to join.

I had vague plans to work for the Wieden+Kennedy office in Amsterdam for my project, but I hadn't made a concrete decision yet. Roos' idea sounds like fun, and I like the idea of working together with a friend, so I think I'm going for it. I will discuss the matter with Peter Verheul (who is my letter design professor and happens to be the project guide for both Roos and myself), and Roos tomorrow. I just received a phonecall from Marjolijn (a girl from my class). Though it was not the reason of her calling, she told me that we don't have class tomorrow, which means I will have to discuss the matter next week.

Bachelor Loesje

November 5 2003

My friend from the HR&O, Loesje, had to uphold her thesis on her Lutetium-DOTA research and foundings yesterday. I wasn't able to witness the event, since I was discussing my work for the Icons assignment at the KABK. As soon as I was done, I rushed to Rotterdam to congratulate her (I had no doubt in my mind that she had succeeded) and have some drinks. It was nice to see some of the people that I used to be in the class with when I was studying chemistry, about 4 years ago (I had not seen them since then). I also met a nice friend of Loesje, with whom I had a very interesting discussion on phylosophy, culture, religion, science, art... the usual stuff, heh. He appeared the be the ex-boyfriend of Merel, a girl that used to be in my class for a while, at the Royal Academy of Arts. It's a small world.

After we had some drinks, Loesje, Yvonne and Maarten that used to be in my class, and her friend that I had newly met, went to Loesje's new appartment. The place was really nice, spacey and well decorated. We ate pizza, drank Bacardi, played with her old Barbies, and listened to the Neptunes. After a while, Yvonne left, but the rest of us stayed and started playing classic games like Jenga, Snakes and Ladders, and Mikado. Meanwhile, we listened to the Trainspotting soundtrack, surf rock, and other stuff, while drinking more Bacardi.

I got home around 5 in the morning today. I got out of bed around 7PM, and had dinner right away. That's the life.

I'm anxious to see the results of the photos I have made. I made some kick-ass photos of a hearse that was parked in a garage with artificial, spooky white light that you could look upon from the balcony of Loesje's apartment. If they come out right, I might very well be able to use them for the Dood project at the Royal Academy, of which the objective is to create photographic and non-photographic images that communicate death.


This day, elsewhere.