Weblog entries posted on this day.
That's right, this page looks different... again. I'm re-writing and re-designing the entire site, and I will eventually re-launch it. It is not the first time that the latest weblog is the first page to be implimented in the new (unfinished) style. The new site will be called Alexander Christiaan Jacob (my given names) or ACJ in short (my initials). The new site will focus primarely on my projects (past, current and future), with information about and links to my most important projects.
The new site will be served as XHTML 1.1 instead of the XHTML 1.0 Strict it has been served as for some time now. The site will also make some use of MathML and SVG.
Sebastiaan and I went to the Q-dance event X-Qlusive Germany in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam last Saturday. We entered the music hall around midnight and we danced on the banging hardstyle untill 7 in the morning. There was an impressive list of German artists, yet they were playing a lot of Dutch productions.
Sebastiaan had his digital camera on him, and he didn't mind using it. The results can be found on his website, Party-Alarm.tk.
This day, elsewhere.