Glitterclub with Wipneus & Pim.

October 27 2003

I just got back from the Glitterclub in het Paard. The hosts of today were Wipneus & Pim. It was bit more weird than the previous Glitterclub, I'd say (Wipneus & Pim aren't really my cup of tea), but I had a great time none the less.

I've been working on my school assignments and my portolio a lot today, and I've also played some basketball.

As for something completely different: last Friday, I announced to a lot of friends and acquaintances that I'm no longer into women. Ofcourse the question rose whether I'm turning gay... well, I'm not. I'm just no longer doing women. I love them as friends and stuff, but I'm not dating them anymore. Period.
Since that announcement, it has seemed as if some evil force wants me to join the dark side once more: I've been confronted with the most beautiful women... constantly... and they look at me too... constantly... Argh! Maybe it's this "playing hard to get is sexy" kinda thing. I honestly don't know, but the more I force myself to not stare at and flirt with women, the more they seem to be checking me out when I do happen to catch a glimps by accident. I don't really know what I'm trying to reach with this whole sudden and weird announcement thing, but maybe it will all make sense... some day... or not...
Oh, by the way, my lesbian friend told me that she almost tried to hit on me while I was dancing and she was a bit tipsy. Right, ok, now I'm really lost.