About a 5 minute walk from my house, there is an empty building that used to function as a movietheater, but has been occupied by anarchists for as long as I can remember. The building has been known as the Blauwe Aanslag, and is painted all over. I've been to various Goa-trance and Drum and Bass parties they've thrown, and I like the place a lot. It's also supposed to be a good place to go when you want to eat out and not spend a lot of money, but I haven't tried that myself.
Deetman, the major of this city, has decided that the building has to go down, and the people it's been occupied by for years have to find another place to go. The people that have been living there, obviously, do not feel too much for this idea. There's been a lot of tension in the air for some time now, but it looks like today shit hits the fan.
All day long, I've been hearing helicoptors over my house, and I've heard various reports about roads being blocked and police being and high alert.
About an hour ago, a demonstration against the clearance of the building has been announced on their website. The demonstration is going to take place on the Brouwersgracht, which is pretty much next to my house.
Hrm... while I'm writing this, a news report on the issue appears on national television.