ACJ’s Biology
As a kid, I was fascinated by plants and animals. The only thing that changed in that aspect, is that I now refer to it as biology.
I have always liked seashells. Of course, the exotic and ancient ones are always interesting, but I actually prefer collecting the (relatively boring looking) ones I find on at the Dutch coasts.
Dutch name | Scientific name | Found |
Alikruik | Littorina littorea | ✓ |
Amerikaanse boormossel | Petricola pholadiformis | ✓ |
Amerikaanse zwaardschede | Ensis leei | ✓ |
Bonte mantel | Mimachlamys varia | ✓ |
Gedoornde hartschelp | Acanthocardia echinata | ✗ |
Geknobbelde hartschelp | Acanthocardia tuberculata | ✗ |
Gevlochten fuikhoren | Nassarius reticulatus | ✓ |
Gevlochten vuikhoren | Nassarius reticulatus | ✓ |
Gewone wenteltrap | Epitonium clathrus | ✓ |
Glanzende tepelhoren | Euspira pulchella | ✓ |
Grote hartschelp | Acanthocardia aculeata | ✗ |
Grote mantel | Pecten maximus | ✗ |
Grote strandschelp | Mactra stultorum cinerea | ✓ |
Halfgeknotte strandschelp | Spisula subtruncata | ✓ |
Kokkel | Cerastoderma edule | ✓ |
Mossel | Mytilus edulis | ✓ |
Muiltje | Crepidula fornicata | ✓ |
Nonnetje | Macoma balthica | ✓ |
Noordkromp | Arctica islandica | ✗ |
Noorse hartschelp | Laevicardium crassum | ✓ |
Ovale strandschelp | Spisula elliptica | ✓ |
Rechtsgestreepte platschelp | Angulus fabula | ✓ |
Ruwe boormossel | Zirfaea crispata | ✓ |
Strandgaper | Mya arenaria | ✓ |
Tapijtschelp | Venerupis senegalensis | ✓ |
Tere platschelp | Angulus tenuis | ✓ |
Venusschelp | Venus gallina striatula | ✓ |
Wijde mantel | Aequipecten opercularis | ✓ |
Witte boormossel | Barnea candida | ✓ |
Wulk | Buccinum undatum | ✓ |
Zaagje | Donax vittatus | ✓ |